Schedules are subject to a natural inertia.

The many restraints can make changing very complex. Also, as schedules are the heart of the commercial offer, consistency is desirable.

Nevertheless it's not healthy for a company to be deprived from innovation, just because improving the schedule is deemed too complicated.

This is where Schedule Consult is at its best; stimulating company experts to explore new grounds.

We always come with angles that are both refreshing and realistic.

For this reason, experienced professionals highly appreciate working with us.

We bring a lot of creativity to the table and don't take dogma's for granted. At the same time, we know from experience what is feasible in aviation.

Also, projects are set up as a two-way street, open for input from all sides.

For these reasons there is a productive chemistry from the start, bringing inspiration and new energy to network management.

So, with Schedule Consult, you challenge the status quo in a constructive way.

  • Razor sharp analysis
    Our unique analysis methods open new angles, providing better insight in the critical points of a schedule.
  • Original input
    We highly value input from company staff, but our work is not about borrowing their watch to tell the boss what time it is.

    You'll get creative ideas and concepts that are tailored to your specific situation.
  • Balance hard & soft factors
    Schedules balance quantifiable, hard restraints with other less tangible factors. Re-calibrate this balance with independent experts.

Is it entirely because of the restraints?

It's true, schedules are a complex compromise between economic, operational and commercial factors.

For this reason, one change can easily cause a domino effect of implications.

Such forms a real threshold for change.

However, that does no prove that the current schedule is the best possible!

It is important to keep thinking out of the box.


Our answer to the above is the blank sheet schedule design (tabula rasa), designing the schedule as if tomorrow were the first day of the airline.

Of course, we also develop options for gradual change but that is how most optimization efforts already start.

More spectacular improvements usually come from the blank sheet. One can see it as a back door, from which everything looks different.

A big advantage is that issues can be seen in conjunction; a solution for one issue often lifts restraints on another one.

Working back from such optimum to fit with more and more restraints provides a source of inspiration, if not the fundamental change that is so badly needed.

Blank sheet a utopy?
Some might believe that a blank sheet design is a utopic exercise, because of restraints like slots.

It's not.

Due to the complexity, most schedules are the fruit of subsequent gradual changes, often sub-optimizing "hot" issues.

This very much dilutes the view on what the market really wants. It also neglects the fact that some restraints can be resolved in a different way.

The blank sheet design brings the focus back to the core.

Besides the content, there are also practical obstacles to investigate schedule renewal.

Network projects simply take a lot of work, analyzing data, elaborating options and making calculations.

A great feature from our side is that we have streamlined this to a great extent.

So that means that people involved in the project don't get a big extra workload. The approach is geared to giving them more time to focus on the content and implications.

This gives the project the needed momentum!

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